Making data visualizations accessible
While their aim is to make information easier to understand, data visualizations can have specific accessibility implications for people with disabilities.
Upcoming Webinar: December 12 at 10 AM ET. How Strict Should We Be When Testing for WCAG Conformance?Register Now
While their aim is to make information easier to understand, data visualizations can have specific accessibility implications for people with disabilities.
December 18, 2023 | KnowledgeBase Content
How can an auditor be sure that they’re looking at a custom-styled focus indicator, versus the default styling provided by the browser or operating system?
December 12, 2023 | Technical
This article is about testing for 2.5.7 Dragging Movements, which requires that things like drag and drop can also be operated by single pointer actions.
December 7, 2023 | Accessibility Strategy, KnowledgeBase Content, Technical
Part Two: Inclusive Design and Accessibility In part one of this series, we defined the concept and practice of inclusive design and its relationship to digital accessibility for people with…
December 6, 2023 | Accessibility Strategy, Technical, User Experience (UX)
Continuing our series of articles on how to test the new Success Criteria (SC) in WCAG 2.2, this time we’ll be looking at 3.3.7 Redundant Entry.
November 23, 2023 | Accessibility Strategy, KnowledgeBase Content, Technical
Making your web page keyboard-operable is one of the most fundamental aspects of accessibility, but there are some mistakes that people can easily make. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls.
November 20, 2023 | Technical
You’ve subscribed to the newsletters and RSS feeds, you’ve expanded your library, but what about digital accessibility podcasts? Ricky Onsman goes audio.
November 14, 2023 | Technical
This is the first in a series of articles, looking at how to test each of the new Success Criteria in WCAG 2.2, beginning with 3.2.6 Consistent Help.
November 9, 2023 | Accessibility Strategy, KnowledgeBase Content, Technical
Digital accessibility books: does anyone still write them? Or read them? You bet they do! Ricky Onsman lists some new titles, some recent releases and some favorites.
November 3, 2023 | Technical
Ricky Onsman reports on Day Two of one of the great web technology conferences, back in live format in Sydney, Australia.
November 1, 2023 | Technical
We sent Ricky Onsman to report on one of the great web technology conferences, back in live format in Sydney, Australia.
October 31, 2023 | Technical
There are a lot of people out there writing important blog posts and email newsletters about digital accessibility. Who should you follow?
October 12, 2023 | Technical
Part One: The Process Great digital experiences begin with the right mindset. When it comes to design, there are two philosophies that can help you reach the widest possible audience:…
October 9, 2023 | Accessibility Strategy, Technical, User Experience (UX)
WCAG 2.2 has been published as a W3C Recommendation, which means the latest amendments to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are now fully in effect.
October 6, 2023 | Technical
Forms are everywhere on the web. The words we use to tell users how to fill in online forms are very important, and become critical for people with some kinds of disabilities.
October 5, 2023 | Technical
Usability testing is an important part of any quality assurance (QA) process when designing and building websites, applications, and other digital resources. Effective usability testing can validate whether people can…
October 3, 2023 | Accessibility Strategy, Technical, User Experience (UX)
Accessibility overlays are nothing more than Disability Dongles, “contemporary fairy tales that appeal to the abled imagination” and don’t solve real problems while creating new ones.
September 26, 2023 | Technical
Booking a theatre seat can be tricky for people who can’t easily perceive the physical layout. Doug Abrams investigates options to improve this experience.
August 30, 2023 | Technical