ARC KnowledgeBase

Provide your team with an accessibility library that contains detailed instructions for creating accessible code for your digital content, which is maintained by our team of expert engineers.
Schedule A DemoFree KnowledgeBase Techniques

Accessibility Techniques at Your Fingertips

Code-Level Techniques

You’ll find everything you need from the common to the arcane


Access technique info right from the WCAG failure in ARC Monitoring

Always Up-to-Date

New content added and maintained by our expert accessibility engineers

Your trustworthy resource for accessibility techniques

You’ll be able to access everything you need to know about website accessibility in our comprehensive HTML-based digital repository. Maintained by our team of expert engineers, this robust accessibility resource contains detailed instructions for creating accessible code for your digital content.

TPGi has been a leader in the field of accessibility since 2002. Our experts are second to none; many are involved with the creation of the W3C guidelines themselves.

What You’ll Get with KnowledgeBase

Information Curated by Experts

The KnowledgeBase techniques are curated and maintained by our world-class engineers. There’s no need to spend precious time and resources searching for credible accessibility knowledge; it’s all at your fingertips.

  • Native Android Mobile/Tablet Apps
  • Native iOS Mobile/Tablet Apps
  • WCAG Reference
  • Accessible Web Content Development
  • Digital Accessibility Governance
  • Accessible User Experience

a hand holding a cell phone

illustration displaying accessibility errors and resolution of the errors

Intuitive User Interface

  • Rich examples (including code samples and screenshots) and use cases will help you quickly understand and remediate.
  • Techniques include metadata such as affected users, related standards, and complexity
  • In-context links connect issues raised by ARC scans with remediation techniques

Save Time and Build Better Code

Chart demonstrating reduced efforts over time by utilizing proactive accessibility management in the plan and design phase of the SDLC

Integrate ARC KnowledgeBase into Your SDLC

Integrating ARC KnowledgeBase into your organization’s DevOps delivers the specific information necessary to build accessible code constructs, remediate any previously deployed code snippets, components, and other critical functionalities without having to search forums and threads hoping to find something that meets today’s standards.

Get the answers you need from a trusted source.

Stop wasting time searching threads hoping you find a good-enough solution. Pair code-level techniques directly with the issues ARC Monitoring identifies.

Request A Demo

ARC KnowledgeBase Delivers the Right Information to the Right Hands at the Right Time

Accurate Techniques

Code-level remediation techniques provide you with the ability to accurately build and maintain accessible code against the latest standards.

Always Updated

A team of  TPGi expert engineers is constantly creating and curating the content in the knowledgeBase to ensure you have access to remediation advice necessary for your active projects.

Contextual Advice

When used contextually with ARC analytics, it pairs the code-level remediation techniques directly with the accessibility failures so you don’t have to chase down answers.

ARC Platform Companion Products

JAWS Inspect

Simulate the JAWS user experience across your digital properties for screen reader testing

Explore JAWS Inspect

ARC Toolkit

Professional-level accessibility testing chrome extension for testing individual pages on-demand

Learn More About ARC Toolkit

Color Contrast Checker

Easily determine the contrast ratio of the two colors. Compliance indicators for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1

Learn about TPGi CCA