Tuesday, Dec 10, 2019
12pm – 1pm ET
Registration for the “The Right Tools for the Right Roles in Accessibility Testing and Monitoring” webinar is now closed. For copies of the slides, please email with your name and contact information.
When it comes to accessibility programs, there can be multiple people involved in making your digital content accessible. Different roles have unique responsibilities, from measuring and justifying program success to coding and fixing issues. We all need the right tools for success in our roles.
Join Solutions Engineer Derek Bove and Product Manager Charlie Pike to learn how distinct roles, from developers to accessibility program managers, can unlock the full potential of accessibility testing and remediation tools to maximize their impact on an organization’s accessibility. They’ll explain how different users can use TPGi’s free accessibility testing tool, ARC Toolkit, for on-demand testing alongside our scanning and monitoring solution, ARC Monitoring, to prioritize error remediation and uncover trends. You’ll see how a simple strategy to divide and conquer can pay big dividends and allow you to identify underlying causes instead of playing a constant game of catch-up with the symptoms.
Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email with your name and contact information.