Real People, Real Stories Episode 3, 2023: Heather Pressman and Danielle Schulz

Mark Miller, host, and Dara Golding, producer, speak with Heather Pressman, Director of Learning & Engagement for the Molly Brown House Museum, and Danielle Schulz, Senior Manager of Lifelong Learning and Accessibility at the Denver Art Museum.

Today, they talk about writing The Art of Access: A Practical Guide for Museum Accessibility together and how accessibility changes museums. Learn about:

  • How tactile plaster model of an artwork changed Heather’s perspective on accessibility
  • How a community arts center started Danielle on her accessibility journey
  • How Sensory Friendly Mornings at the Denver Art Museum brings in new visitors
  • How self-guided tours at the Molly Brown House are accessible
  • How there are accessibility methods for all, from organizations with very little money to those with a lot
  • And why Heather sent Danielle an email with the subject line, “It’s Okay to Say No”

About Heather Pressman

Heather Pressman (she/her) is an educator with a passion for accessibility and inclusion. She believes that everyone has the right to access and enjoy cultural experiences regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Heather currently serves as the Director of Learning & Engagement for the Molly Brown House Museum where she works to expand access, despite the physical challenges of a 133-year-old historic house. She got into this work because she saw through her friend’s experience how much people with disabilities were missing out on in museums and at historic sites. Heather holds a Master’s degree in Museum Studies from Johns Hopkins University where she teaches Accessibility in the Museum. She co-authored The Art of Access: A Practical Guide for Museum Accessibility (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021) and is the editor of the forthcoming An Accessible Past: Making Historic Sites Access (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

About Danielle Schulz

Danielle Schulz (she/her) is dedicated to an accessible and inclusive future. She currently serves as the Senior Manager of Lifelong Learning and Accessibility at the Denver Art Museum, where she works with colleagues and community members to promote inclusive practices that ensure visitors of all ages and abilities can enjoy and be inspired by their interaction with art. She received a Master’s degree in Art Education from The University of Texas at Austin.

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Links of interest

Heather and Danielle have many talents. You can find out more in all the links below:

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