AViewer beta

Refer to: aViewer 2013

Categories: Technical

About Steve Faulkner

Steve was the Chief Accessibility Officer at TPGi before he left in October 2023. He joined TPGi in 2006 and was previously a Senior Web Accessibility Consultant at vision australia. Steve is a member of several groups, including the W3C Web Platforms Working Group and the W3C ARIA Working Group. He is an editor of several specifications at the W3C including ARIA in HTML and HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0. He also develops and maintains HTML5accessibility and the JAWS bug tracker/standards support.


Scott Jehl says:

This looks like it’ll be very useful. Great work! Can’t wait to try it out.
…any plans for a Mac version? 🙂

Hi Scott, feedback is welcome. No plans for a mac version at this stage.

Priti Rohra says:

Great work guys! Steve does it work on all browsers running on Windows or only IE & Firefox?

Hi Priti,
The HTML/ARIA aspects of the tool only work with IE and Firefox currently. The ‘desktop mode’ that exposes MSAA/IA2 info works on all browsers (if they expose info via the MSAA/IA2 Accessibility APIs).

Felipe says:

Terms of Use> whether I don’t get what a freeware is or what a commercial use is?

Could you please clarify this:
Can I use it freely while working and being paid as an accessibility expert on a client’s project? Can I embed it in another software and sell the whole? I guess this Terms were written to avoid the latter case, but I’m afraid it’s not so obvious.

Are the ARIA attributes from the HTML5 draft specification supported? I do not see any “role” attributes.

Hi Andreas, ARIA attributes are defined in the WAI-ARIA specification. What is defined in HTML5 is on which HTML elements they can be used. The AViewer will display information about what role and aria-* attributes are present on an element.

Hi Felipe, If you are an individual using the tool, there is no problem, if you are company that deploys multiple copies of the tool for use by your employees, contact Brian Landrigan to dicuss licencing terms.