Speaker 1 (00:00): Seen from above an urban skyline, a treed plaza. Speaker 2 (00:03): In 2019 $38 billion was spent just in restaurants on self-service. Speaker 1 (00:10): An airport. Speaker 2 (00:10): From airports and train stations, to government offices, restaurants, grocery stores and retailers, the use of kiosk machines is widespread as a convenience for customers. And while technology continues to advance. Speaker 1 (00:24): A red tipped white cane. Speaker 2 (00:25): A whole portion of the population is being left behind. Speaker 1 (00:30): A man navigates with a white cane. Speaker 2 (00:32): And with 285 million legally blind people around the world how do we make kiosks accessible? Speaker 1 (00:39): A woman at a kiosk. Speaker 2 (00:41): With JAWS Kiosk we created a way to bring a new dimension of accessibility and a powerful contribution to providing a full customer experience for the blind and low vision. Speaker 1 (00:53): A kiosk, start here to the right of a screen and alternate key pad, a man presses a blue diamond shaped button. Speaker 3 (00:59): Welcome to JAWS Kiosk. Menu items, donuts, press the right arrow to move to the first donut. Speaker 2 (01:06): JAWS software will revolutionize self-service kiosk accessibility, creating a user experience that is accessible across the spectrum of disability needs. Speaker 4 (01:15): What is the reason for this visit? Voter registration, press the middle key to activate. Speaker 2 (01:21): Supports over 30 languages and the same interface for all customers, configured to work with Storm Assistive Technology devices. Speaker 3 (01:29): Swipe your card to continue. Your card has been billed for $6.13. Speaker 2 (01:34): JAWS Kiosk is deployed in over 10,000 kiosks in North America. Speaker 5 (01:40): Please proceed to the front counter, your order is number 2,506. Speaker 2 (01:44): It's efficient and easy, all powered by JAWS. Speaker 1 (01:49): The JAWS Kiosk logo, an animated smiling shark, JAWS Kiosk, the Paciello Group.